The greatest enemy is Satan.Today people do not think how money should be earned.  They do not consider whether it is halal or haram. The one who consumes haram does not do himself any good (khayr).  If it benefits him, it will not help his children.  If it helps his children, it will not be good for his grandchildren.  Certainly in his lineage some harm comes, because the earning was unlawful. Whatever is consumed with that money becomes a poison.  When poison enters the body, it is sure to harm it. Therefore Allah ‘azza wa jalla says choose what is lawful.  What is lawful is known; what is unlawful is also known.  Someone disagrees and comes up with a legal opinion (fatwa) for himself, saying,“I do this… I do that...” Recently, these people have exceeded the boundaries, not considering helal or haram.